Economic, finance and quantitative solutions for regulatory, litigation, arbitration and business cases.
We provide independent and objective expert testimony, reports and analyses. Experience allows us to provide what clients need at a reasonable cost, because we do not need to use a “leave no stone unturned” approach: we know which stones to turn.

Company News
New Textbook Publishing Company: Regulatory Economics Publishing
08 Feb 21
Beginning in the second half of 2020, Principles of Utility Corporate Finance and the third edition of Fundamentals of Energy Regulation by Leonardo Giacchino and Jonathan Lesser will be marketed and sold by Regulatory Economics Publishing.
Solutions Economics Publishes Article on International Arbitration Cases Involving Regulated Markets
01 Dec 20
Leonardo Giacchino, Marisa Clery and Isabella Cotrupi publish an article in The Journal of Damages in International Arbitration titled “Challenges in the Estimation of Compensation in International Arbitration Cases Involving Regulated Markets.”
Leonardo Giacchino, and Jonathan Lesser publish third edition of Fundamentals of Energy Regulation
01 Jan 20
The Third Edition of Fundamentals of Energy Regulation by Leonardo Giacchino and Jonathan Lesser is now available!
Solutions Economics Publishes Article on Post-Judgment Interest Rate Premiums in Arbitrations
01 Oct 18
Leonardo Giacchino, Thomas Sturma and Isabella Cotrupi publish an article in The Journal of Damages in International Arbitration titled “What Premium to Use? The Setting of Post-Judgment Interest Rates Using Commercial Rates in Investment Arbitration.”
Leonardo Giacchino and Thomas Sturma Publish Article on Post-Judgment Interest in Arbitrations
01 May 17
Leonardo Giacchino and Thomas Sturma publish an article in The Journal of Damages in International Arbitration titled “Trends in Post-Judgement Interest Awarded in Investment Arbitration.”
Leonardo Giacchino, Joseph Coscia & Thomas Sturma Publish Article on Trends in Size of ICSID Awards
01 May 15
Leonardo Giacchino, Joseph Coscia and Thomas Sturma publish article in the Journal of Damages in International Arbitration titled “Size and Trend of Concluded ICSID Awards.”
Leonardo Giacchino and Rory Walck Lead AU Course on International Arbitration Damages
12 Jun 14
Leonardo Giacchino Leads Course on International Arbitration Damages with Rory Walck and is named Adjunct Professor at American University.
Global Experience
- Afghanistan
- Argentina
- Australia
- Belize
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Denmark
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Germany
- Guatemala
- Hong Kong
- Honduras
- Iraq
- Italy
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Norway
- Panama
- Peru
- Portugal
- Russia
- Serbia
- Singapore
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turks & Caicos
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Venezuela